I am the wife of Jay Harrison and mother of 10 beautiful children. I strive to live my life with Joy!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
"The Race of Faith"
Hebrews 12:[1-4]--"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin."
The Bible often refers to our Faith as a race for life. The race for faith is a race for endurance. Just like running in a marathon we must not look back lest we fall and stumble. We often can get distracted by many things while running this race. Satan will try to distract us by putting things in our path that will cause us to get discouraged to the point of giving up. I often get distracted by conflicts, lost family members, financial problems, health issues, not living up to my own expectations, and my own sin, just to name a few.
In this verse sin is what can so easily entangle us and weigh us down. We have to be careful not to become tangled in our own personal sin that we get tangled up and trip. We must stay daily in God's word so that we do not become entangled and our hearts become unreceptive to God's word. This is what was happening to the Hebrew people in this passage.
In the past I have gotten so caught up in myself that I just wanted to give up because it seemed I had been running....and running...and running, to the point of exhaustion. The problem was, I was trying to run the race of faith in my own strength and had forgotten that Christ had already completed my faith. The Lord revealed to me many truths through this passage about Christ. Without Christ's strength our efforts to run this race of faith are futile. The key to running this race and making it to the finish line is only found by looking to Jesus.
Even though we will endure difficult circumstances and conflict in our Christian walk we are reminded and encouraged to persevere because of Christ. The writter of Hebrews reminds us of four things about Christ that will empower us to persevere in our faith.
1. Christ is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
We can look to Christ because He is the object of our faith and salvation. Christ is the originator and perfector of our faith. He has perfectly completed it.
John 19:30--"So when Jesus had recieved the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And bowing His head He gave up His spirit."
2. Christ Endured the Cross.
Even when Christ was tempted to give up he did not. He remained determined and willing to suffer in obedience to God.
Philippians 2:8--"And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."
3. Christ bore the Contradiction of Sinners.
It says in the last part of verse two that Christ despised the shame. Sinners laughed, scorned, and beat Christ. Christ didn't give up even when He had to endure such hostility.
John 19:[1-3]--"So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, and they put on Him a purple robe. Then they said, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And they struck Him with their hands.
4. Christ is sitting on the Throne at the right hand of God.
After Christ's death He ascended to heaven and is currently sitting at God's right hand interceding for us. Therefore, proving that He conquered death and the grave and has perfected and completed our faith. Because of Christ's righteousness we can stand perfect before God.
Hebrews 10:[11-13]--"And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool."
Just as a marathon runner has to look and press forward to recieve the prize, we too must not look back but consistantly keep our eyes on the prize; which is Christ. If we want to win this race we must look to Jesus. There will be times that we are so tried from running that we will have to rest but we must not grow weary or give up and quit. When we experience trials and or tests from the Lord in our life we must not allow our circumstances to cause us to become a weary runner whose arms are downcast and knees are wobbling. Instead, we must renew our strength by reflecting on Christ and get a second wind so that we can continue the race and endure to the end.
Hebrews 12:[12-13]--"Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed."
Philippians 3:[12-14]--"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Paul uses the analogy of a runner to describe our spiritual growth. He says we have not reached the goal of christlikessness yet, but we must continue to persue it. This should be the goal of every Christians life. Christ is our preeminent example of how we are to persevere to the end. In order not to give up or get discouraged in this race of faith we must consider Christ. We may become exhausted and even persecuted but it will be nothing compared to what Christ went through. I have been encourged by this passage because Christ lives in my heart therefore I know I have the strength to keeping running in this race until may santification has been completed.
Galatians 6:9--"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
1 Corinthians 10:13--"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."
We must always look to God and seek to grow closer to Him because He is the only one that can keep us from stumbling. God uses all the things we go through for our sanctification therefore we can take comfort in the fact that God is working all things together for our good. God's grace is sufficient for us to complete this race for His glory. We may take no pleasure in our suffering but we can rejoice because Christ's power rests upon us. In Christ we have all the power we need to run and not get weary. May we run with confidence the race God has set before us.
Serving our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
"An Obtained Faith of Equal Standing" (Part2)
2 Peter 1:1--"Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:" (NKJV)
Peter begins his letter by introducing himself as, a bondservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, and then says, "I'm witting to those that have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ." Peter is writing to believers, those that have been given faith by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I believe he wanted to remind them of the reality of their faith in Christ. Peter wanted to remind them of these three things: 1. Faith is a precious gift. 2. Their faith was a gift of equal standing with others. 3. Their faith was of an equal standing with others because of God's imputed righteousness.
In my last journal I meditated on, 1. Faith is a precious gift. In this journal I am seeking to meditate on the rest of this verse.
2. Their faith was a gift of equal standing with others.
In the (KJV) it says,"obtained like precious faith with us" and in the (ESV) it says,"obtained a faith of equal standing with ours"
2 Peter 1:1--"Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:"(ESV)
"like precious"--"of equal value or honor"--S.Concordance
Peter wants them to remember that the faith that they have, the faith God has given them, is of equal standing with theirs. Some times we think that other people are more spititual or less spiritual than we are. Take Peter for example, he was an apostle of Jesus Christ that was in a position of authority, and yet he says my faith is of an equal standing with yours. Many times I have looked up to many of the disciples and thought wow they are way more spiritual than I could ever be. According to this verse that just isn't true. There are not different degrees, ranks, or levels of Christians. Just because we didn't walk, talk, and see Christ as Peter and the other apostles did doesn't mean they had something we do not. We have a faith of equal standing with the apostles of Jesus Christ. When it comes to Salvation we have the same priviledges and responsibilities as the apostles did as well as other believers.
3. Their faith was of an equal standing with others because of God's imputed righteousness.
In Christ we all have an equal standing of faith. Our faith is not in oursleves but only in the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. If we are in Christ we are all one with each other. Because of Christ their is no inequality in the body of Christ. Therefore there is no spiritual inequality before God.
Galatians 3:28--"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
1 Corinthians 6:17--"But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."
John 17:[20-23]--“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.
Because we believe the truth of Jesus Christ, we all share as one body of Christ; Christ's life. Paul states this in Ephesians 4:[4-6], "There is one body and one spirit."
We are all sinners saved by God's grace. It didn't take any more grace to save the apostles than it did us. Christ paid for all sin. We have all received a faith of equal value and standing because God is just. He is not a respector of persons. Romans 2:11--"For there is no partiality with God."
All believers have an equal gift of faith because of God's imputed righteousness. God imputed is own righteousness to us through Christ when He died on the cross for our sins. It doesn't matter who we are whether we are: rich or poor, educated or not, african american, white, brown, or what stage of life we are in; we are called to grow in our faith. We must mature in our faith and conform to the image of Christ. God has given us the same resourses he has given every other christian to cultivate, nuture, grow, and use our faith to bring glory to Himself.
We as individuals need to be growing in our faith because we are part of the body of Christ--the church--which makes up one body. Therefore, if we are not seeking to grow in our faith through meditating on the word of God the body suffers. We have all the resources available to grow in our faith because we live in Christ. God has given us the ability through the Holy Spirit to resist temptation and walk in victory over sin in our lives. I believe the key to growing in our faith is to grow in the truth about God.
Lord, thank you for your precious gift of faith. Help me to use the resources you have given me to grow in my faith. Help me to live my life in a way that will show the world that I love you. Thank you for giving me a copy of your written word that I may grow in your truth. Help me to grow in the knowledge of your will.
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Peter begins his letter by introducing himself as, a bondservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, and then says, "I'm witting to those that have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ." Peter is writing to believers, those that have been given faith by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I believe he wanted to remind them of the reality of their faith in Christ. Peter wanted to remind them of these three things: 1. Faith is a precious gift. 2. Their faith was a gift of equal standing with others. 3. Their faith was of an equal standing with others because of God's imputed righteousness.
In my last journal I meditated on, 1. Faith is a precious gift. In this journal I am seeking to meditate on the rest of this verse.
2. Their faith was a gift of equal standing with others.
In the (KJV) it says,"obtained like precious faith with us" and in the (ESV) it says,"obtained a faith of equal standing with ours"
2 Peter 1:1--"Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:"(ESV)
"like precious"--"of equal value or honor"--S.Concordance
Peter wants them to remember that the faith that they have, the faith God has given them, is of equal standing with theirs. Some times we think that other people are more spititual or less spiritual than we are. Take Peter for example, he was an apostle of Jesus Christ that was in a position of authority, and yet he says my faith is of an equal standing with yours. Many times I have looked up to many of the disciples and thought wow they are way more spiritual than I could ever be. According to this verse that just isn't true. There are not different degrees, ranks, or levels of Christians. Just because we didn't walk, talk, and see Christ as Peter and the other apostles did doesn't mean they had something we do not. We have a faith of equal standing with the apostles of Jesus Christ. When it comes to Salvation we have the same priviledges and responsibilities as the apostles did as well as other believers.
3. Their faith was of an equal standing with others because of God's imputed righteousness.
In Christ we all have an equal standing of faith. Our faith is not in oursleves but only in the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. If we are in Christ we are all one with each other. Because of Christ their is no inequality in the body of Christ. Therefore there is no spiritual inequality before God.
Galatians 3:28--"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
1 Corinthians 6:17--"But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."
John 17:[20-23]--“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.
Because we believe the truth of Jesus Christ, we all share as one body of Christ; Christ's life. Paul states this in Ephesians 4:[4-6], "There is one body and one spirit."
We are all sinners saved by God's grace. It didn't take any more grace to save the apostles than it did us. Christ paid for all sin. We have all received a faith of equal value and standing because God is just. He is not a respector of persons. Romans 2:11--"For there is no partiality with God."
All believers have an equal gift of faith because of God's imputed righteousness. God imputed is own righteousness to us through Christ when He died on the cross for our sins. It doesn't matter who we are whether we are: rich or poor, educated or not, african american, white, brown, or what stage of life we are in; we are called to grow in our faith. We must mature in our faith and conform to the image of Christ. God has given us the same resourses he has given every other christian to cultivate, nuture, grow, and use our faith to bring glory to Himself.
We as individuals need to be growing in our faith because we are part of the body of Christ--the church--which makes up one body. Therefore, if we are not seeking to grow in our faith through meditating on the word of God the body suffers. We have all the resources available to grow in our faith because we live in Christ. God has given us the ability through the Holy Spirit to resist temptation and walk in victory over sin in our lives. I believe the key to growing in our faith is to grow in the truth about God.
Lord, thank you for your precious gift of faith. Help me to use the resources you have given me to grow in my faith. Help me to live my life in a way that will show the world that I love you. Thank you for giving me a copy of your written word that I may grow in your truth. Help me to grow in the knowledge of your will.
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
"Not Made to Bear"
"Not Made to Bear"
Huge white snowflakes fell gently one day,
Wet and clinging on the trees they lay,
The hardwoods tried to bear the weight,
But the load of snow was just too great,
And the branches snapped beneath the strain,
Only wounded skeletons remain.
But the evergreens that stand nearby,
On their own strength did not rely,
They just relaxed and the heavy snow
Slid from their boughs to the earth below.
And the wise evergreens still stand tall,
Teaching a lesson to one and all,
For we never were meant to bear alone,
The burdens we think are all our own.
Abundant grace God will bestow
If we relax and just let go.
This is a selection from the keepers at home magazine.
This poem reminded me how we must not rely on our own strength during trials and tribulations, but solely on God's grace. Even though we live in this dark world God has promised to be our light to guide and direct our path. He has also promised to protect us from evil and provide for our every need.
Psalm 84:11--"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly."
May we live our lives in light of God's promises and truths that are lined out for us in His word.
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The Cross
"The Cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough to it for it's sparks to fall on us."--John Stott
Friday, February 17, 2006
"An Obtained Faith of Equal Standing" (Part1)
2 Peter 1:1--"Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:" (NKJV)
There are so many rich truths lined out for us in just this one verse. Peter begins this letter by introducing himself as, a bondservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, and then says, "I'm witting to those that have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ." It's obvious in this part of the verse that he is writting to believers, those that have been given faith by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Peter's not telling these people how to get faith, but rather now that they have faith, this is how they should be living their lives.
Before Peter tells them how they should be living their lives he wants them to remember the reality of their faith in Christ. I believe that Peter wanted to remind them of these three things: 1. Faith is a precious gift. 2. Their faith was a gift of equal standing with others. 3. Their faith was of an equal standing with others because of God's imputed righteousness.
1. Faith is a precious gift.
Peter wanted to remind them that their faith was obtained not earned. He wanted them to remember that their faith was a gift from God not something that they had to work hard to attain. I believe Peter was seeking to remind them of the reality of their salvation. The meaning for the word obtained is very significant in understanding what Peter is saying in this passage.
"Obtained"--"in the greek is "langchano".--its meaning is : a prolonged form of a primary verb, which is only used as an alternate in certain tenses; to lot; determine (by implication recieve) especially by lot: his lot be, cast lots, obtain.--"Strongs Concordance
"Precious"--in the greek is "timios"--it means: of great price, precious, held in honor, esteemed, especially dear; "of equal value or honor"-S.Concordance
Ephesians 2:8--"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,"
Peter was refering to saving faith in the context of this verse, in 2 Peter 1:1. This word obtained is only used three other times in--Luke 1:9, John 19:24, Acts 1:17--in the New Testament. By using this word obtained Peter was emphasizing that their salvation was not something they could attain by their own effort or worthiness, but mearly by means of God's grace.
I believe the point that Peter was trying to drive home to them was that they reiceved their faith by divine allotment. Their faith had been allotted to them by God. A synonym for the word "obtained" is recieved. Faith is given to us as a gift from God. It is something that has to be given to us as well as recieved by us. What I mean by this is, that Our faith is something we recieve from God but it isn't something that we can obtain until we have recieved it. Just like any gift someone gives you. If they are holding out their arm to you with the gift in their hand and say," This gift is yours" the only thing you have to do for it to be yours is reach out and recieve it. We are given faith through hearing God's word but we also must accept it and recieve it as truth. By giving us His word God has made our faith possible. Apart from God's word faith is impossible. We cannot recieve faith apart from hearing and accepting God's word as truth.
Romans 10:17--"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Peter reminds us that our faith is a gift of precious value. Our faith has value because Jesus Christ gives it, its value. It is only through Christ that we even believe in God. Peter clearly states that we "have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:"
It's not by our righteousness that we come to salvation but only through Christ's righteousness. We don't deserve faith nor can aquire it through any virtue of our own. We had nothing to do with our faith, it was totally initiated by God. It's all, all God not us. God even gives us the faith to believe. The Bible says, that none of us seek after God.
Romans 3:11--"There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God."
Isaiah 64:6--"But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away."
We were not looking for God He was looking for us, therefore we cannot take any credit for our salvation. We did not obtain salvation because we were good moral people or because we go to church but merely because God chose us to recieve it. We can only obtain faith by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:[23-24]--"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,"
Our natural tendency is to seek our own interests. Our only hope is for God to seek us. The only way we will seek God is if He does a work in our hearts. This is why after salvation we desire to seek God with our whole heart because He has opened our eyes to see that if our salvation were up to us we would have never wanted it.
We must always remember to be thankful to God for the reality of our salvation. The object our faith--Jesus Christ, God's Son--is what makes our faith precious. Our Faith in God is precious because God Himself places great value on it.
May we never forget that the faith we have obtained from God is a priceless precious gift. The greatest gift we will ever recieve. I thank the Lord for clothing me in Christ righteousness. Our salvation is a divine gift that only God can give us, that was purchased and paid for through Christ's blood on the cross. What an awesome reality!!!!
Lord, Thank You for drawing me to yourself. Help me to stay in Your word so that it will remind of who I am in Christ. Thank You, for the covenant of grace that you have made with me even though I didn't deserve it. Thank you for the priceless gift of Christ. Jesus, Thank You, for paying the price for my sin that I may come into the presence of God Himself and have fellowship with Him. Thank you for opening my eyes up to the gospel. Thank You, for the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. It amazes me that you clothed me with Christ even though I was a filthy, condeemed sinner, and enemy of God. Even though I was unrighteous you placed my unrighteousness on Christ, and then placed your righteousness on me through Christ, and then you gave me the faith to believe that its true. Lord, help me to never forget the reality of my salvation.
Have you obtained faith? Is it yours? Is your faith in Christ alone? Have you been clothed in the righteousness of Christ?
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
There are so many rich truths lined out for us in just this one verse. Peter begins this letter by introducing himself as, a bondservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, and then says, "I'm witting to those that have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ." It's obvious in this part of the verse that he is writting to believers, those that have been given faith by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Peter's not telling these people how to get faith, but rather now that they have faith, this is how they should be living their lives.
Before Peter tells them how they should be living their lives he wants them to remember the reality of their faith in Christ. I believe that Peter wanted to remind them of these three things: 1. Faith is a precious gift. 2. Their faith was a gift of equal standing with others. 3. Their faith was of an equal standing with others because of God's imputed righteousness.
1. Faith is a precious gift.
Peter wanted to remind them that their faith was obtained not earned. He wanted them to remember that their faith was a gift from God not something that they had to work hard to attain. I believe Peter was seeking to remind them of the reality of their salvation. The meaning for the word obtained is very significant in understanding what Peter is saying in this passage.
"Obtained"--"in the greek is "langchano".--its meaning is : a prolonged form of a primary verb, which is only used as an alternate in certain tenses; to lot; determine (by implication recieve) especially by lot: his lot be, cast lots, obtain.--"Strongs Concordance
"Precious"--in the greek is "timios"--it means: of great price, precious, held in honor, esteemed, especially dear; "of equal value or honor"-S.Concordance
Ephesians 2:8--"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,"
Peter was refering to saving faith in the context of this verse, in 2 Peter 1:1. This word obtained is only used three other times in--Luke 1:9, John 19:24, Acts 1:17--in the New Testament. By using this word obtained Peter was emphasizing that their salvation was not something they could attain by their own effort or worthiness, but mearly by means of God's grace.
I believe the point that Peter was trying to drive home to them was that they reiceved their faith by divine allotment. Their faith had been allotted to them by God. A synonym for the word "obtained" is recieved. Faith is given to us as a gift from God. It is something that has to be given to us as well as recieved by us. What I mean by this is, that Our faith is something we recieve from God but it isn't something that we can obtain until we have recieved it. Just like any gift someone gives you. If they are holding out their arm to you with the gift in their hand and say," This gift is yours" the only thing you have to do for it to be yours is reach out and recieve it. We are given faith through hearing God's word but we also must accept it and recieve it as truth. By giving us His word God has made our faith possible. Apart from God's word faith is impossible. We cannot recieve faith apart from hearing and accepting God's word as truth.
Romans 10:17--"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Peter reminds us that our faith is a gift of precious value. Our faith has value because Jesus Christ gives it, its value. It is only through Christ that we even believe in God. Peter clearly states that we "have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:"
It's not by our righteousness that we come to salvation but only through Christ's righteousness. We don't deserve faith nor can aquire it through any virtue of our own. We had nothing to do with our faith, it was totally initiated by God. It's all, all God not us. God even gives us the faith to believe. The Bible says, that none of us seek after God.
Romans 3:11--"There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God."
Isaiah 64:6--"But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away."
We were not looking for God He was looking for us, therefore we cannot take any credit for our salvation. We did not obtain salvation because we were good moral people or because we go to church but merely because God chose us to recieve it. We can only obtain faith by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:[23-24]--"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,"
Our natural tendency is to seek our own interests. Our only hope is for God to seek us. The only way we will seek God is if He does a work in our hearts. This is why after salvation we desire to seek God with our whole heart because He has opened our eyes to see that if our salvation were up to us we would have never wanted it.
We must always remember to be thankful to God for the reality of our salvation. The object our faith--Jesus Christ, God's Son--is what makes our faith precious. Our Faith in God is precious because God Himself places great value on it.
May we never forget that the faith we have obtained from God is a priceless precious gift. The greatest gift we will ever recieve. I thank the Lord for clothing me in Christ righteousness. Our salvation is a divine gift that only God can give us, that was purchased and paid for through Christ's blood on the cross. What an awesome reality!!!!
Lord, Thank You for drawing me to yourself. Help me to stay in Your word so that it will remind of who I am in Christ. Thank You, for the covenant of grace that you have made with me even though I didn't deserve it. Thank you for the priceless gift of Christ. Jesus, Thank You, for paying the price for my sin that I may come into the presence of God Himself and have fellowship with Him. Thank you for opening my eyes up to the gospel. Thank You, for the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. It amazes me that you clothed me with Christ even though I was a filthy, condeemed sinner, and enemy of God. Even though I was unrighteous you placed my unrighteousness on Christ, and then placed your righteousness on me through Christ, and then you gave me the faith to believe that its true. Lord, help me to never forget the reality of my salvation.
Have you obtained faith? Is it yours? Is your faith in Christ alone? Have you been clothed in the righteousness of Christ?
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A Valentine’s Day Prayer
I read this prayer today and it really spoke to my heart. May we never forget that the only way we can love others is because God has first loved us with His agape love. God's agape love is the love that starts in the heart of God that He wants to put into our hearts. We think of love as an emotional feeling and God does give us emotions but ultimately true love is not a feeling rather, it is a determined act of will. This kind of love always results in determined acts of self-giving. The supreme measure of love is God's love for us. I thank You, Lord, for being the example of the supreme measure of love.
Romans 5:8--"But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ dies for us.
This verse tells us that when we were powerless and ungodly, Christ died for us. This is how God demonstrates His love to us. When we were God's enemies, He reconciled us to Himself through the death of Jesus Christ. We serve a God that loves us not because we deserve it, not because He has found any thing beautiful or desireable in us, but just because He is love. I praise the Lord for loving me so much that He made the ultimate sacrifice so that I could see how much He loved me. I also praise Him for never changing. Because God never changes His love never changes, therefore His love doesn't depend on anything or anyone. I am so thankful that God's love doesn't depend on how much we love Him. As you are reading this prayer remember how much God loves you and then I encourage you to thank Him for His love.
A Valentine’s Day Prayer
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” – I CORINTHIANS 13:4-7 NIV
Because love is patient…
Help me to be slow to judge, but quick to listen.
Hesitant to criticize, but eager to encourage,
remembering your endless patience with me.
Because love is kind…
Help my words to be gentle and my actions to be thoughtful. Remind me to smile and to say “Please” and “Thank You”
because those little things still mean so much.
Because love does not envy or boast, and it is not proud…
Help me have a heart that is humble and sees the good in others. May I celebrate and appreciate all that I have and all that I am, as well as doing the same for those around me.
Because love is not rude or self-seeking…
Help me to speak words that are easy on the ear and on the heart. When I’m tempted to get wrapped up in my own little world, remind me there’s a great big world out there full of needs and hurts.
Because love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs…
Help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me. When I want to hold onto a grudge, gently help me release it so I can reach out with a hand of love instead.
Because love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth…
Help me stand up for what is right and good. May I defend the defenseless, and help the helpless. Show me how I can make a difference.
Because love always protects and always trusts…
Help me to be a refuge for those around me. When the world outside is harsh and cold, may my heart be a place of acceptance and warmth.
Finally, because love always perseveres…
Help my heart continually beat with love for You and others. Thank you for this day when we celebrate love, and for showing us what that word really means. Amen."--written by Holley Gerth
[1 Peter 1:22], "Love one another with a pure heart, fervently. Be earnest in your love. "
Father, I thank You for the incredible love that You have shown to us in Jesus Christ. You are the measure of love. In our hearts I know that we cannot love apart from You. Without You, we are self-seeking. We want others to love us and to please us. We are bent on our own ways and our own interests and our own good. Help us to show others your love by the way we show them we love them. Help us to pursue Your love. May we make your agape love our aim. Help us to learn how to love the way you do. I pray that you would empty us of ourselves and fill us with the Spirit of Christ, who is love.
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Romans 5:8--"But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ dies for us.
This verse tells us that when we were powerless and ungodly, Christ died for us. This is how God demonstrates His love to us. When we were God's enemies, He reconciled us to Himself through the death of Jesus Christ. We serve a God that loves us not because we deserve it, not because He has found any thing beautiful or desireable in us, but just because He is love. I praise the Lord for loving me so much that He made the ultimate sacrifice so that I could see how much He loved me. I also praise Him for never changing. Because God never changes His love never changes, therefore His love doesn't depend on anything or anyone. I am so thankful that God's love doesn't depend on how much we love Him. As you are reading this prayer remember how much God loves you and then I encourage you to thank Him for His love.
A Valentine’s Day Prayer
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” – I CORINTHIANS 13:4-7 NIV
Because love is patient…
Help me to be slow to judge, but quick to listen.
Hesitant to criticize, but eager to encourage,
remembering your endless patience with me.
Because love is kind…
Help my words to be gentle and my actions to be thoughtful. Remind me to smile and to say “Please” and “Thank You”
because those little things still mean so much.
Because love does not envy or boast, and it is not proud…
Help me have a heart that is humble and sees the good in others. May I celebrate and appreciate all that I have and all that I am, as well as doing the same for those around me.
Because love is not rude or self-seeking…
Help me to speak words that are easy on the ear and on the heart. When I’m tempted to get wrapped up in my own little world, remind me there’s a great big world out there full of needs and hurts.
Because love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs…
Help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me. When I want to hold onto a grudge, gently help me release it so I can reach out with a hand of love instead.
Because love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth…
Help me stand up for what is right and good. May I defend the defenseless, and help the helpless. Show me how I can make a difference.
Because love always protects and always trusts…
Help me to be a refuge for those around me. When the world outside is harsh and cold, may my heart be a place of acceptance and warmth.
Finally, because love always perseveres…
Help my heart continually beat with love for You and others. Thank you for this day when we celebrate love, and for showing us what that word really means. Amen."--written by Holley Gerth
[1 Peter 1:22], "Love one another with a pure heart, fervently. Be earnest in your love. "
Father, I thank You for the incredible love that You have shown to us in Jesus Christ. You are the measure of love. In our hearts I know that we cannot love apart from You. Without You, we are self-seeking. We want others to love us and to please us. We are bent on our own ways and our own interests and our own good. Help us to show others your love by the way we show them we love them. Help us to pursue Your love. May we make your agape love our aim. Help us to learn how to love the way you do. I pray that you would empty us of ourselves and fill us with the Spirit of Christ, who is love.
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Friday, February 10, 2006
Minix Update
(For everyone that's following the Minix's ministry in Peru.) I talked to Andrea Minix a few days ago, and here's an update on how they're doing (reprinted with permission):
Dear Michelle,
We appreciate your words of encouragement and prayer for us. We definitely need the Lord's people praying for us every day. Jayson and I are doing well. We have just completed our 2nd week of language school. Our teacher says she is confident that we will be speaking Spanish very well by our 6th month. I hope she is right. Right now it seems like it will be forever before we are able to understand and speak fluently, but we are learning a little more each day.
Today was my first day to walk to the grocery store by myself. (Jayson normally goes with me). It's not very far of a walk. The grocery store is about one block from our apartment. It's a simple enough task, but the thought of going by myself the first time was a little, well....terrifying. But the Lord gave me courage, and I had no problems at all.
I am very glad to hear that you are praying for us to endure difficult people with Joy. The culture here is a bit different than what we are used to and sometimes we have to deal with difficult people. (Not that they are necessarily trying to be difficult, but sometimes the way they do things is difficult.) Just please pray that the Lord will continue to give us patience.
Thank you once again for sending us a note. Hearing from people back home sure is a blessing. Give our regards to everyone at Southside.
Yours in Christ,
Andrea Minix
John 10:16
Please continue to pray for the Minix's as they seek to share the Gospel with the lost people of Peru.
Feb 4th, 2006
Dear Michelle,
We appreciate your words of encouragement and prayer for us. We definitely need the Lord's people praying for us every day. Jayson and I are doing well. We have just completed our 2nd week of language school. Our teacher says she is confident that we will be speaking Spanish very well by our 6th month. I hope she is right. Right now it seems like it will be forever before we are able to understand and speak fluently, but we are learning a little more each day.
Today was my first day to walk to the grocery store by myself. (Jayson normally goes with me). It's not very far of a walk. The grocery store is about one block from our apartment. It's a simple enough task, but the thought of going by myself the first time was a little, well....terrifying. But the Lord gave me courage, and I had no problems at all.
I am very glad to hear that you are praying for us to endure difficult people with Joy. The culture here is a bit different than what we are used to and sometimes we have to deal with difficult people. (Not that they are necessarily trying to be difficult, but sometimes the way they do things is difficult.) Just please pray that the Lord will continue to give us patience.
Thank you once again for sending us a note. Hearing from people back home sure is a blessing. Give our regards to everyone at Southside.
Yours in Christ,
Andrea Minix
John 10:16
Please continue to pray for the Minix's as they seek to share the Gospel with the lost people of Peru.
Being Careful of How We Walk
I read this today and it reminded me of how much our children look up to us and how we must always be careful of how we walk. May our lives be a continual reflection of Christ.
"In His Mother's Footsteps"
"It was a busy day in our home. But then, with 10 children and one on the way, every day was a bit hectic. On this particular day, however, I was having trouble doing even routine chores - all because of one little boy.
Len, who was three at the time, was on my heels no matter where I went. Whenever I stopped to do something and turned back around, I would trip over him. Several times I patiently suggested fun activities to keep him occupied.
"Wouldn't you like to play on the swing set?" I asked again.
But he simply smiled an innocent smile and said, "Oh that's all right, Mommy. I'd rather be in here with you," then he continued to bounce happily along behind me.
After stepping on his toes for the fifth time, I began to lose my patience and insisted that he go outside and play with the other children. When I asked him why he was acting this way, he looked up at me with sweet green eyes and said, "Well Mommy, in Primary Class my teacher told me to walk in Jesus' footsteps. But I can't see Him, so I'm walking in yours."
I gathered Len in my arms and held him close. Tears of love and humility spilled over from the prayer that grew in my heart - a prayer of thanks for the simple, yet beautiful perspective of a three year old boy." -- written by David A. Dalton
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
"In His Mother's Footsteps"
"It was a busy day in our home. But then, with 10 children and one on the way, every day was a bit hectic. On this particular day, however, I was having trouble doing even routine chores - all because of one little boy.
Len, who was three at the time, was on my heels no matter where I went. Whenever I stopped to do something and turned back around, I would trip over him. Several times I patiently suggested fun activities to keep him occupied.
"Wouldn't you like to play on the swing set?" I asked again.
But he simply smiled an innocent smile and said, "Oh that's all right, Mommy. I'd rather be in here with you," then he continued to bounce happily along behind me.
After stepping on his toes for the fifth time, I began to lose my patience and insisted that he go outside and play with the other children. When I asked him why he was acting this way, he looked up at me with sweet green eyes and said, "Well Mommy, in Primary Class my teacher told me to walk in Jesus' footsteps. But I can't see Him, so I'm walking in yours."
I gathered Len in my arms and held him close. Tears of love and humility spilled over from the prayer that grew in my heart - a prayer of thanks for the simple, yet beautiful perspective of a three year old boy." -- written by David A. Dalton
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Humbly Submitting to God's Authority
2 Peter 1:[1-2]--"Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,"
I believe it is very interesting How Peter begins this letter to the pilgrims of the dispersion. He says, "Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ," He greets them with His name, Simon Peter, the one in which was given to him personally by Christ. Peter then introduces himself as a bondservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
Bondservant--"Bond'servant, n. bond and servant. A slave; one who is subjected to the authority of another, or whose person and liberty are restrained."--King James Dictionary
Apostle--in latin is apostalus; in the greek means to send away, to sent.
"A person deputed to execute some important business; but appropriately, a disciple of Christ commissioned to preach the gospel."--King James dictionary
Peter calls Himself a servant or slave of Christ letting these people know that He was on an equal footing with these other Christians. Peter was an obedient slave of Christ because he was fufillling God's purpose for his life by preaching the gospel. Christ gave Peter the authority to preach the Gospel of Christ. Therefore, Christ did put him in a position of authority but he did not use his authority rather, he humbly calls himself a servant of Christ. Notice that Peter calls himself a bondservant before he calls himself an apostle of Jesus Christ. Even though Peter calls himself a servant he was confident in his position as an Apostle of Jesus Christ. Although Peter was in a postion of authority he did not brag or show off his position.
Peter was humble yet confident in his position as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Peter and all of the others disciples learned this kind of humility from Christ Himself.
Luke 22:[25-26]--"And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called ‘benefactors.’ But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as he who serves."
Jesus exemplified humility with His life and did not assert his rights but gave up His glory and Authority to come to earth to become a man. Christ clothed Himself with humility by choosing to obey God by becoming a servant and dying for our sins so that God may be glorified.
Philippians 2:[5-7]--"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men."
God promises that if we choose to humble ourselves before Him and submit our lives to Jesus Christ as Master of our lives, God will reward us now in our life on this earth and in heaven.
Matthew 5:5--"Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth."
If we humble ourselves and yield to God's authority for our lives He will be our source of strength and confidence just as He was for Peter.
1 Peter 5:[5-7]--"Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “ God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."
If we do not submit to God we forfeit His grace at work in our lives because He resists the proud. When we go through difficult circumstances in our lives we often fail to wait on God and try to take matters into our own hands. In these verses it clearly states that, God will exalt us in due time. When we become impatient at God's timing in our lives it is a sign that we are not submitting and humbling ourselves before Him. May we always submit and humbly cast our cares upon Him and trust Him to know whats best for our lives.
Have you bowed your heart before God and submitted and surrendered everything to His will for your life? Are you a humble Christian or are you one that uses your position in Christ to Lord over people? Are you clothed with humility as Christ was when He came to earth as a servant of God? Are you patiently waiting on Gods promised blessings in your life?
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
I believe it is very interesting How Peter begins this letter to the pilgrims of the dispersion. He says, "Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ," He greets them with His name, Simon Peter, the one in which was given to him personally by Christ. Peter then introduces himself as a bondservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
Bondservant--"Bond'servant, n. bond and servant. A slave; one who is subjected to the authority of another, or whose person and liberty are restrained."--King James Dictionary
Apostle--in latin is apostalus; in the greek means to send away, to sent.
"A person deputed to execute some important business; but appropriately, a disciple of Christ commissioned to preach the gospel."--King James dictionary
Peter calls Himself a servant or slave of Christ letting these people know that He was on an equal footing with these other Christians. Peter was an obedient slave of Christ because he was fufillling God's purpose for his life by preaching the gospel. Christ gave Peter the authority to preach the Gospel of Christ. Therefore, Christ did put him in a position of authority but he did not use his authority rather, he humbly calls himself a servant of Christ. Notice that Peter calls himself a bondservant before he calls himself an apostle of Jesus Christ. Even though Peter calls himself a servant he was confident in his position as an Apostle of Jesus Christ. Although Peter was in a postion of authority he did not brag or show off his position.
Peter was humble yet confident in his position as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Peter and all of the others disciples learned this kind of humility from Christ Himself.
Luke 22:[25-26]--"And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called ‘benefactors.’ But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as he who serves."
Jesus exemplified humility with His life and did not assert his rights but gave up His glory and Authority to come to earth to become a man. Christ clothed Himself with humility by choosing to obey God by becoming a servant and dying for our sins so that God may be glorified.
Philippians 2:[5-7]--"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men."
God promises that if we choose to humble ourselves before Him and submit our lives to Jesus Christ as Master of our lives, God will reward us now in our life on this earth and in heaven.
Matthew 5:5--"Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth."
If we humble ourselves and yield to God's authority for our lives He will be our source of strength and confidence just as He was for Peter.
1 Peter 5:[5-7]--"Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “ God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."
If we do not submit to God we forfeit His grace at work in our lives because He resists the proud. When we go through difficult circumstances in our lives we often fail to wait on God and try to take matters into our own hands. In these verses it clearly states that, God will exalt us in due time. When we become impatient at God's timing in our lives it is a sign that we are not submitting and humbling ourselves before Him. May we always submit and humbly cast our cares upon Him and trust Him to know whats best for our lives.
Have you bowed your heart before God and submitted and surrendered everything to His will for your life? Are you a humble Christian or are you one that uses your position in Christ to Lord over people? Are you clothed with humility as Christ was when He came to earth as a servant of God? Are you patiently waiting on Gods promised blessings in your life?
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Beatitudes for Mothers
I read this today and want to share it with all of you. As a Mother myself this has reminded me of how much of an influence we are to our children. May we always seek to bring up our children to fear and love God. And never cease to diligently teach them to love God with all of their heart, soul, and strength.
Deuteronomy 6: [4-9]--"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."
Beatitudes for Mothers
Blessed is the mother who is pure and godly in the midst of a wicked and adulterous generation.
Blessed is the mother who dedicates her children to the Lord before they are born.
Blessed is the mother who regards her husband as the head of the household; who does not interfere when he disciplines the children.
Blessed is the mother who does not speak of her husband's faults to others; who never speaks to him about his shortcomings in the presence of others.
Blessed is the mother who does not find it boring to be "just a housewife"; who doesn't work outside the home when it is not essential; who loves to be with her family.
Blessed is the mother who is able to control her children; who makes home life exciting and pleasant for her family without subjecting her children to television.
Blessed is the mother who has a good sense of humor; who is patient and kind when she has a headache.
Blessed is the mother who is loving and gracious toward her mother-in-law.
Blessed is the mother who is not lazy, who does not gossip.
Blessed is the mother who is feminine but is not a slave to fashion; who is always modest in her attire and conduct.
Blessed is the mother who is clean, outwardly as well as inwardly; who keeps herself neat and dresses in simplicity and good taste.
Blessed is the mother who seeks wisdom from above, who teaches her children to love God's Word.
Blessed is the mother who takes time to see the beauty of God's handiwork.
Blessed is the mother who is unselfish and sacrificial; who is a constant encouragement to her husband and children.
Blessed is the mother who prays; who faithfully intercedes for her family, as well as others.
Blessed is the one who has a lovely, Christ-like mother who brought her into the world. She gives a heritage which cannot be exchanged for the wealth of this universe. --Author Unknown
Proverbs 31: 10, 28 --"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies... Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:"
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Deuteronomy 6: [4-9]--"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."
Beatitudes for Mothers
Blessed is the mother who is pure and godly in the midst of a wicked and adulterous generation.
Blessed is the mother who dedicates her children to the Lord before they are born.
Blessed is the mother who regards her husband as the head of the household; who does not interfere when he disciplines the children.
Blessed is the mother who does not speak of her husband's faults to others; who never speaks to him about his shortcomings in the presence of others.
Blessed is the mother who does not find it boring to be "just a housewife"; who doesn't work outside the home when it is not essential; who loves to be with her family.
Blessed is the mother who is able to control her children; who makes home life exciting and pleasant for her family without subjecting her children to television.
Blessed is the mother who has a good sense of humor; who is patient and kind when she has a headache.
Blessed is the mother who is loving and gracious toward her mother-in-law.
Blessed is the mother who is not lazy, who does not gossip.
Blessed is the mother who is feminine but is not a slave to fashion; who is always modest in her attire and conduct.
Blessed is the mother who is clean, outwardly as well as inwardly; who keeps herself neat and dresses in simplicity and good taste.
Blessed is the mother who seeks wisdom from above, who teaches her children to love God's Word.
Blessed is the mother who takes time to see the beauty of God's handiwork.
Blessed is the mother who is unselfish and sacrificial; who is a constant encouragement to her husband and children.
Blessed is the mother who prays; who faithfully intercedes for her family, as well as others.
Blessed is the one who has a lovely, Christ-like mother who brought her into the world. She gives a heritage which cannot be exchanged for the wealth of this universe. --Author Unknown
Proverbs 31: 10, 28 --"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies... Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:"
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Paul's Prayer and Love for God's People
In our Devotional Guide for church our pastor, Aaron Turner, encourged us to pray through Colossians 1:[9-12] for ourselves, and for anyone else that the Holy Spirit laid on our hearts. I did pray through this passage and it amazing what God did in my heart. He revealed to me a heart issue that I didn't even know was there, and brought me to brokenness about the sin that was in my heart. That was two days ago and I am still praying through and meditating on this passage, but I would like to share with you some of what God has revealed to me through it.
Colossians 1:[9-12]--"For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light."
In this passage, Paul is writing to the church at Colosse. Paul prays for them, and then writes out the subjects of his prayer so that they would know that he was praying for them. By him writing this letter to the Colossians it showed them that prayer was a priority in his life. Paul made prayer a regular part of his life because he knew how important it was in his walk with the Lord. He tells them that he was thankful to God for the work He was doing in their lives. Paul's desire was to see the Colossians growing and being fruitful spiritually. He prayed that they would be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that their lives would be lived in a manner that pleased God.
Paul's hearts desire for them was to understand the principles of God's word and be able to practically apply them to their lives. He wanted them to see that they could not obtain the knowledge of God's will apart from God's written word. And that they would not be able to grow spiritually apart from that knowledge. Paul's prayer for them is packed full of love and it expresses that they were very dear to his heart. It amazes me that Paul had such a strong love for the Colossian people because some of them he had never met. With this in mind I asked myself, How could Paul have such a passionate love for these people if he had never met them? I believe the answer is found in his prayer life. Because Paul prayed so passionately for these people God produced in him a love for them.
After praying through this scripture, the Lord revealed to me these truths about Paul's prayer life. As I began to pray through this scripture myself the Holy Spirit laid on my heart many of my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, and then as I prayed for them, He began to show me my lack of love for them. "Why do I have a lack of love for these people?" I asked. The Lord then began to work in my heart and reveal to me that I haven't been praying for these people as I should. Sure, I would pray for them if they were having problems, but was only praying shallow prayers for them when they didn't seem to be going through any major crisis. And I do pray for people as the Lord brings them to my mind , but I have not been intentionally praying passionately for them. My prayers for others need to be unceasing so that my love for them will increase. As we pray, our love for the Lord will grow stronger as well as our love for others.
Paul says in verse 9," since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you," Paul's telling the Colossian people that he always prays for them. How encouraging these words must have been for them. I believe Paul wanted the subjects of his prayer preserved for them in writing to serve as a reminder that he was going to continue to pray for them. Paul wanted them to know how much he desired for his prayer to be accomplished in their lives.
How many times have people asked us to prayer for them and then we didn't? I believe sometimes we just say we will pray for them just to sound spiritual, but then as soon as they are out of our sight we don't think any more about their request. In fact, some time may pass before we speak to them again and then when we see them they say, "I just wanted to thank you for praying for me", and then they share with us the answered prayer and to our shame we never even lifted them up in prayer. Has this happened to you? I believe it has happened to all of us at one point or another. I find it best to stop right then and pray with someone that has asked me to pray for them. When I have stopped to pray for them the Lord has developed in me a greater love for them.
Paul's prayers were intense and he remembered people in prayer and we also must do the same. When we pray for others they become a regular part of our lives. When I tell people that I are praying for them regularly I am telling them; I am concerned about them, I love them, I am interested in them, and they are on my heart and mind. When we are committed to praying for people it expresses to them our love for them. It also develops a closeness and special bond that can only come through passionately praying for them. Only through Christ can we love people the way he has loved us. Even the people that are difficult to love.
Intersession for others is a beautiful thing. Christ made it possible for us to come into the very presence of God and have an intimate relationship with Him through prayer. I am thankful that Christ makes intersession to God on our behalf. We are accepted by God because He paid the penalty for our sins when he shed His blood on the cross. Because Christ is risen and is sitting on the right hand of God we can come into God's presence. Christ's presence in heaven serves as a constant reminder that through Christ the penalty for our sins has been paid in full. When we come into the presence of God it is a privilege because it's only by God's grace through Christ that we can come to Him in prayer.
John 14 :6--Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Lord, forgive me for not praying for your people as I should. Help me to diligently pray and be intentional to pray without ceasing for others. Develop in me a passionate love for your people that you may be glorified. Help me to stay disciplined in your word and prayer that I may be filled with the knowledge of You as Paul prayed,"that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;"
Lord, help me to be fruitful and grow spiritually that I may have a deeper love for you and keep you first in my life. Help me to grow in obedience to your word. Produce in me a stronger foundational doctrine of Your word. Help me to flourish and abound in faith. Thank You, Lord for giving me the privilge to come into your presence. Thank your for pouring out Your grace and mercy on me and bringing me to brokenness once again.
Is there anyone that you have a lack of love for because you haven't been passionately praying for them? Does someone come to mind? If so, it's not to late for you to start developing a love for them. Rely on the Lord to love through you and as you pray for them it will amaze you what God will do in your heart.
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
Colossians 1:[9-12]--"For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light."
In this passage, Paul is writing to the church at Colosse. Paul prays for them, and then writes out the subjects of his prayer so that they would know that he was praying for them. By him writing this letter to the Colossians it showed them that prayer was a priority in his life. Paul made prayer a regular part of his life because he knew how important it was in his walk with the Lord. He tells them that he was thankful to God for the work He was doing in their lives. Paul's desire was to see the Colossians growing and being fruitful spiritually. He prayed that they would be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that their lives would be lived in a manner that pleased God.
Paul's hearts desire for them was to understand the principles of God's word and be able to practically apply them to their lives. He wanted them to see that they could not obtain the knowledge of God's will apart from God's written word. And that they would not be able to grow spiritually apart from that knowledge. Paul's prayer for them is packed full of love and it expresses that they were very dear to his heart. It amazes me that Paul had such a strong love for the Colossian people because some of them he had never met. With this in mind I asked myself, How could Paul have such a passionate love for these people if he had never met them? I believe the answer is found in his prayer life. Because Paul prayed so passionately for these people God produced in him a love for them.
After praying through this scripture, the Lord revealed to me these truths about Paul's prayer life. As I began to pray through this scripture myself the Holy Spirit laid on my heart many of my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, and then as I prayed for them, He began to show me my lack of love for them. "Why do I have a lack of love for these people?" I asked. The Lord then began to work in my heart and reveal to me that I haven't been praying for these people as I should. Sure, I would pray for them if they were having problems, but was only praying shallow prayers for them when they didn't seem to be going through any major crisis. And I do pray for people as the Lord brings them to my mind , but I have not been intentionally praying passionately for them. My prayers for others need to be unceasing so that my love for them will increase. As we pray, our love for the Lord will grow stronger as well as our love for others.
Paul says in verse 9," since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you," Paul's telling the Colossian people that he always prays for them. How encouraging these words must have been for them. I believe Paul wanted the subjects of his prayer preserved for them in writing to serve as a reminder that he was going to continue to pray for them. Paul wanted them to know how much he desired for his prayer to be accomplished in their lives.
How many times have people asked us to prayer for them and then we didn't? I believe sometimes we just say we will pray for them just to sound spiritual, but then as soon as they are out of our sight we don't think any more about their request. In fact, some time may pass before we speak to them again and then when we see them they say, "I just wanted to thank you for praying for me", and then they share with us the answered prayer and to our shame we never even lifted them up in prayer. Has this happened to you? I believe it has happened to all of us at one point or another. I find it best to stop right then and pray with someone that has asked me to pray for them. When I have stopped to pray for them the Lord has developed in me a greater love for them.
Paul's prayers were intense and he remembered people in prayer and we also must do the same. When we pray for others they become a regular part of our lives. When I tell people that I are praying for them regularly I am telling them; I am concerned about them, I love them, I am interested in them, and they are on my heart and mind. When we are committed to praying for people it expresses to them our love for them. It also develops a closeness and special bond that can only come through passionately praying for them. Only through Christ can we love people the way he has loved us. Even the people that are difficult to love.
Intersession for others is a beautiful thing. Christ made it possible for us to come into the very presence of God and have an intimate relationship with Him through prayer. I am thankful that Christ makes intersession to God on our behalf. We are accepted by God because He paid the penalty for our sins when he shed His blood on the cross. Because Christ is risen and is sitting on the right hand of God we can come into God's presence. Christ's presence in heaven serves as a constant reminder that through Christ the penalty for our sins has been paid in full. When we come into the presence of God it is a privilege because it's only by God's grace through Christ that we can come to Him in prayer.
John 14 :6--Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Lord, forgive me for not praying for your people as I should. Help me to diligently pray and be intentional to pray without ceasing for others. Develop in me a passionate love for your people that you may be glorified. Help me to stay disciplined in your word and prayer that I may be filled with the knowledge of You as Paul prayed,"that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;"
Lord, help me to be fruitful and grow spiritually that I may have a deeper love for you and keep you first in my life. Help me to grow in obedience to your word. Produce in me a stronger foundational doctrine of Your word. Help me to flourish and abound in faith. Thank You, Lord for giving me the privilge to come into your presence. Thank your for pouring out Your grace and mercy on me and bringing me to brokenness once again.
Is there anyone that you have a lack of love for because you haven't been passionately praying for them? Does someone come to mind? If so, it's not to late for you to start developing a love for them. Rely on the Lord to love through you and as you pray for them it will amaze you what God will do in your heart.
Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison
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