Monday, January 23, 2006

"Speaking with Grace"

Today I have meditated on Colossians 4:5, Ephesians 4:[29-31], and many other passages of scripture that have to do with our speech and how we are to biblically communicate with others. What we say to people reveals to them alot about our character. Our words are more powerful than we realize because people's reaction to us will depend alot on the words we speak to them. Our words can bulid them up or tear them down. The Bible says that our conversations reveal our heart. What we say tells people who we really are. Paul gives us instructions in Colossians 4:5 as to how we are to communicate biblically with people.

Colossians 4:5--"Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one."

In this passage Paul says we are to be people who reach out and minister to people and encourage them with our words. Our words are powerful and they make a difference in peoples lives.

Words can diffuse conflicts or escalate them.
This is found in, Proverbs 15:1--"A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger."

Words can destroy. This is found in, Proverbs 11:9--"The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor, But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered."

Words can bring healing. This is found in, Proverbs 12:18--"There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, But the tounge of the wise promotes health." Proverbs 12:25--"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad."

Words have impacted my life greatly. How about you? Did you ever have someone call you names in school? Names such as: your stupied, fat, skinny and or dumb. Have you ever had someone say that you could never do anything right? Has anyone ever told you, you have character? Has anyone ever told you that they appreciate you and love you? Has anyone ever told you I see Christ in you? Everything that we say to people whether positive or negative affect their lives. The question we are faced with is, Are we going to be obedient to God by speaking to people with grace?

How do we learn to speak to people with grace?

I believe the only way we can speak to people with grace is to have experienced God's transforming grace ourselves. We must have a personal relationship with God ourselves through believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior. Our relationship with God is the key factor in our relationships with others. We cannot show people grace if we've never expericed it first hand.

"with grace"--"To speak that which is spiritual, wholesome, fitting, kind, sensative, purposeful, complimentary, gentle, truthful, loving, and thoughtful."--John MacArthur

"seasoned with salt"--"Just as salt not only flavors, but prevents corruption, the Christian's speech should act not only as a blessing to others, but as a purifying influence with in the decaying society of the world."--John MacArthur

1. We can learn to speak to others with grace by listening more.

James 1:19--"So then, my brethern, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."
If we listen to others we will learn from them, understand them, see their pain, be less likely to jump to conclusions and over react, and we will grow spiritually.

2. We can learn to speak to others with grace by controlling our anger.

Proverbs 16:32--"He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city." James 1:20--"The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."
We must not try to resolve conflicts with others when we are angry. We must first pray and ask God to help us. We must ask Him to reveal to us any heart issues that may have caused us to become angry. We also must cool off before we talk to someone so that we do not react and respond in anger.

3. We can learn to speak to others with grace by choosing our words carefully.

Proverbs 21:23--"Whoever guards his mouth and tongue Keeps his soul from troubles."
I believe it's not how long we talk that matters, it what we say.

Every conversation we have should glorify God by drawing people to Christ by the way we speak to them with grace. Our speech can always be with grace because Christ lives within our hearts.

Serving Our Lord Together,
Michelle Harrison


Heather Livingston said...

This is a wonderful post! I got so much out of this study on our speech from the devotional guide. I am excited to see the fruit of your time spent with our Lord. I really like this phrase:
"Salt not only flavors, but prevents corruption."
Our speech can be a blessing to and an influence on those in the world around us. But I agree that the only way our speech is with grace is by the transformation that God's grace has produced in us.
It is essential to keep (or guard) our hearts in order to keep (or guard) our speech. God's work of grace in our hearts has enabled us to exercise graciousness in our speech and conduct.
These are good meditations, Michelle. Keep them coming.

Love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Words created the universe. Words will bring it to an end. Judgement will come against every word spoken. It is by hearing words that Man comes to know the Lord. The word of the Lord does not return unto him void. Seems words are very important. You are right. Words are powerful, Sadly, and more often than should be, words are used the wrong way. Thank you for using your words the right way.