Saturday, November 26, 2005


Hello All,

I am starting a blog with my husband tonight. (Well actually it's this morning, since it's 2:30am.) From now on I will be posting my journals here. Jedidiah encouraged me to start a blog so that I can have a single place to post and keep all my journals. My purpose for this blog is to express to everyone what I have experienced and learned from time spent with the Lord.



Jeremy Turner said...

FINALLY!!!! :)

I just tried to read your thing on pray, and the words are too small. Try copying into notepad on your computer, then back into the blog. The default fontsize should be fine.

Bethany said...

Hi! I am so glad that you have a blog! I just started one two days ago. I have really enjoyed it so far. God is really teaching me a lot and reminding me of past lessons learned through other peoples journals and my own journals. I can't wait to see what God is showing you too!