Hello All,
As I was having my quiet time this morning my mind began to think of all the things that I have to be Thankful for, mainly for my Salvation but my list seems to be an endless amount of praise to God for how He so graciously provides, protects, and loves me. As I praised God for each way I have seen His grace at work in my life my heart was immediately filled with tears of Joy.
In my heart I know that even if I had nothing to my name or Family and friends to share Thanksgiving Day with I am blessed beyond measure because I have Christ in my heart. If I had nothing at all I have Christ to spend Thanksgiving with and that my friends is the most precious gift that God has blessed me with because Christ is all I need. I believe Nancy Leigh Demoss says it best when she said,"Jesus will meet my deepest need....water for those who are thirsty...bread for those that are hungry...Strength for the weak...Righteousness for the sinful...Healing for the wounded...Forgiveness for the guilty...Rest for the weary...A friend for the lowly...Fullness for the empty...Joy for the grieving...Peace for the troubled heart...Beauty for the scarred.
HE IS.....Direction for those who don't know which way to go...Home for the rejected...Love for the unloved...Father for the fatherless...Husband for the widow...Freedom for those who have lost their way...A Refuge for the fearful...Hope for the discouraged...Fruitfulness for those who are barren...Life for those who are dead. Christ is all I need."
As I was thinking about Thanksgiving and praying and fellowshipping with my Lord I began to look at different passages of scripture on how the people of the Bible praised God and what they said to God when they prayed. It is amazing to me how much praise is talked about in the Bible. After I read how much Abraham, Esther, Moses, Elizabeth, Anna, Hannah and many more praised and glorified God, I began to browse the web to see what other people had to say about Thanksgiving and what they have prayed and here is a couple of things that I came across that I thought were very interesting and thought provoking.
"Thanksgiving Prayer: Is there an official Thanksgiving Prayer?
A Thanksgiving prayer brings to mind a festive table filled with turkey, cranberries, and other traditional dishes. Families surround the table with mouths watering as young cousins eyeball pumpkin pies with whipped cream. Before the turkey is carved, the family joins hands with heads bowed and offers words of thanks for the meal spread before them.
There is no official "Thanks to God" but prayers of gratitude have been offered since long before the 1620 American tradition began. It is the source by which the Pilgrims decided to begin with a prayer of thanks at this historic feast shared with the Wampanoag Indians. Years later, both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving history with their Thanksgiving proclamations.
Thanksgiving Prayer: Where did the idea come from?
For a way to express their thankfulness for survival and the first harvest, the deeply religious Pilgrims looked to the Bible. They found the celebrated Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), or Feast of Ingathering. The ingathering of Israelites (delivered from the desert of Sinai) and their harvest were celebrated in this feast and is the most joyous of all feasts still today (Leviticus 23).
Another reference to giving thanks is found in the account of "setting" what Samuel called the Ebenezer Stone. This was a memorial to remind them to be grateful for God’s help during an attack from the Philistines (1 Samuel 7:10-12). Actually, the Bible speaks of giving thanks nearly from cover to cover. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
All early celebrations had one common theme -- God. Thanksgiving was directed toward God, their Creator, Protector, and Provider. They believed that all good things ultimately came from Him as they do today. Other verses that include thanks can be read in Psalm 100:4, Psalm 105:1 and 1 Corinthians 15:57."--all about prayer.org
Here are two Thanksgiving Prayers that I believe give God the Glory for all He has and is doing in our lives. We pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving. We Thank Our Heavenly Father for the friendship we have with each of you and wanted to remind you of how blessed our family is for God to have blessed us with such loving friends as you. Thank You for being a part of God's glory at work in our lives.

We bow our heads in heartfelt, thankful prayer;
For all the ways You've blessed our lives
and for Your loving care.
We thank You for the hands
that have prepared this special treat
And pray that You will bless all those
who have no food to eat.
We're thankful for Salvation's plan
and for Your Holy Word;
And pray we'll help to spread
Your love to those who've never heard.
We're thankful for our freedom
and for churches that are near;
Where we can meet to praise Your Name
and worship without fear.
But still our hearts are saddened
by our brothers who aren't free;
Who suffer death and torture
for their Christianity.
We pray You'll give them strength
and courage as their cross they bear;
And let them know God's family
remembers them in prayer.
We thank You for heroic troops
who fight for liberty;
And daily risk their lives
and limbs to keep our country free.
Forgive us of our many sins
and keep us close today;
And bless this food You've given us,
In Jesus Name, we pray.
Amen"--Betty Mings
A Prayer of Thanksgiving |
Father of the Ages, Thank You for providing everything we need. Thank You for grandparents who prayed for us before we were born as we pray for the grandchildren of our grandchildren. Thank You for teaching us to love by loving us, for all the love You give and we share. Thank You for surrounding us with the miracle of Your creation, for the heavens and the sparrows. Thank You for laughter and others to laugh with, for service and others to serve with. Thank You for health, sight, hearing, hands to work and hands to hold, holidays and beauty, books and music, children, food, rest, homes, and memories. My my, we are so blessed. Thank you for being here, watching, caring, helping. Glory to Your name! Thank You for who You are.
Serving Our Lord Together, Jay and Michelle Harrison |